Santa banta are two famous characters and their jokes and fwd sms text messages are very popular.We have compiled a good collection of new and latest funny Santa Banta SMS Messages and Santa Banta Jokes of 140 character, 160 characters and below/Lessthan (under) it.
Categories of Santa Banta SMS
Santa Banta Hindi/Urdu SMS Jokes 140 Character
Here is a good collection of Hindi Santa Banta Jokes and SMS
Hindi Santa Banta SMS1
Santa: Oe, to tu Dr. ka pas jaanay wala tha, kio mahi gaya?
Banta: Yar kal jaonga, aj thori tabyat kharab ha..
Santa Banta English Jokes SMS Messages
Browse through colection of funny English Santa Banta SMS Messages.
English Santa Banta SMS1
Q: Why Santa threw the butter out of window?
A: Because Santa wanted to c the butterfly!